Author: sfleccadmin (Page 8 of 12)

Annual Meeting Photos

This past Saturday, SFLECC held its Annual Meeting to give a brief overview of what’s been going on over the past year and to vote in new board members.

Board President Daryl Johns thanked exiting board members for their service.

Merle Peterson received a plaque for his many years of service and dedication to the SFLECC Board of Directors

Lynn West received a plaque for her many years of service and dedication to the SFLECC Board of Directors

Congratulations to our elected Board Members: Daryl Johns, Lindy Karberg, Mike Triplett, Tracey Linder, and Carrie Woodruff! Thank you to everyone who submitted a resume.

SFLECC Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Shafer Freeman Lakes Environmental Conservation Corporation will be on Saturday, August 24, 2019 in the IU-Health White Memorial Hospital – Hibner Room. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m.




$50/Entry fee – No Limit on # of Entries per Person or Group

5-CASH PRIZES! Top Prize – $1000

(based on 100 entries minimum, we pro-rate if lower)



  1. All entries must abide by Indiana Boating & Highway Laws. Safety comes first!
  2. More than one entry per craft will be permitted. More than one entry per person will be permitted.
  3. The “owner” of an entry will be required to provide a state issued photo ID when they pick up their original packet. All prize money will be made payable and any 1099’s issued to the owners of the hands. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
  4. There will be no limit on the number of entries accepted.
  5. A broken seal (for any reason) on any envelope containing a playing card, will result in disqualification and forfeiture of entry fees.
  6. An owner of a hand must be 21-years of age or older.
  7. The run will begin at 10 a.m. and will end at 3 p.m. You may complete the run at your leisure as long as you have turned in all your playing cards by 3 p.m. Hands will be played with the cards you have collected. One additional card may be purchased for $20.00 at the final check-in before cards are revealed. If a hand consists of 6 cards via the purchase of a 6th card, then the best 5-card hand will count.
  8. You may pre-register at the SFLECC Office (204 N Main St Suite C) during normal business hours prior to the event. You will pick up a packet at Check-in on the day of the event and must show your receipt.
  9. Any participant not checked in by 12:00 p.m. will forfeit their entry fee – NO EXCEPTIONS!
  10. Hands will be revealed by dealer upon completion at Big Monon Camp.
  11. Prizes will be awarded according to the rules of 5-Card Stud.
  12. The total number of entries will determine the amount of prize money given away. Prize winners over $600.00 will receive an IRS Form 1099.
  13. Prizes: First through fifth prizes will be awarded to the highest 5-Card Stud hands (ex. Royal Flush, Straight Flush, 4 of a Kind, Full House, etc.)
  14. You do not have to be present to win. The registered entrant must pick up winnings at the SFLECC office.
  15. 50/50 Tickets: You may purchase 50/50 tickets at the SFLECC office and at the Prize Party. 50/50 drawing will take place at the conclusion of the tournament and no earlier than 5:00 p.m.  Tickets are sold 3 for $10.00 at the final check-in point and at Prize Party.  CASH ONLY.  All tickets will be combined into one hopper.  One ticket will be drawn and the winner will receive half of the money collected.  Winnings will be distributed to winner.  MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN.
  16. All monies will be awarded after 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 20, 2019 at Sandbar Restaurant.
  17. Event organizers have the right to cancel the poker run in case of severe weather or for safety reasons and will reschedule for the following Saturday.
  18. Dealers have the final decision on any contested hands.
  19. All Playing Cards are retained and are the property of the SFLECC.
  20. No Profanity, aggressive behavior, threats to tournament contestants, officials, or volunteers will be tolerated. Violation of this rule will result in forfeiture of Poker Run entry fee, potential prize money, and may include other actions as needed. Zero Tolerance – NO EXCEPTIONS!

Executive Director’s Report – May 2019

I hope this newsletter finds you in good spirits and well.  The winter wasn’t too bad this year but boy are we seeing the rain this spring.  I feel like due to this weather the lakes have gotten off to a slow start this season.  Rest assured I’m sure the rain will slow down at some point and everyone will be eager to be on the lakes.

Fish Stocking:  In the past couple weeks, I was excited to take delivery of 4,000 largemouth bass.  We had to spend a little bit more money to get the 5”-7” but I think it was well worth it, due the survival rate compared to the smaller ones.  The SFLECC was able to accomplish this by contributions by individuals, along with a $1,000 grant that we were fortunate to receive from the White County Community Foundation.  Thank you again to everyone!  This not only allows us to continue to enhance our lakes but it also brings fishing tournaments to our area, which helps support the local tourism and our economy.

Dredging:  Lake Shafer dredging has started back up, but again, a late start due to weather.  We also had major repairs that needed to be done, so the guys spent a couple weeks just getting those done.  The dredging has started this year below Lowes Bridge and will continue downstream, pumping material to the Wooldridge retention pond.   We will then be working our way to Hoagland Ditch, and then Keans Bay to work on silt traps.

Along with our dredging comes the idle zone where we are dredging!  I know this isn’t convenient for some, but please abide by the law.  We are required to have an idle zone where we are dredging and it’s for everyone’s safety.  The good news is the material where we are currently working is light, so we can hopefully move at a decent pace and not hinder any one area too long.

One of the things we’ve been working on over the course of this past year is trying to come up with a barge we could build to be able to do land-based dredging on Lake Freeman.  This allows us to have equipment on a barge, along with an excavator on land, and haul the silt away.  We’ve just recently been able to start this project and are very excited to get it accomplished.  Our biggest challenge on Lake Freeman is being able to have land for the silt that we remove.  There isn’t anywhere close enough, so we would have to truck it away.

Lake Levels:  Some of you have been asking what is going on with the lake level situation.  The following is from John Koppelmann who is our Chairman for the Lake Level Task Force.  John has been involved with this from the time it started in 2012; and although his term ran out from being on the SFLECC Board of Directors, he has made it his mission to continue this through to the end.  We couldn’t be more fortunate to have him, along with all of our Task Force members, seeing this through.  I personally want to thank them for their time and effort.

“Earlier this year, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioners decided against their own staff’s recommendations and sided with United States Fish & Wildlife (USFW) to amend their license with NIPSCO, incorporating the Abnormal Low Flow parameters.  After that heartbreaking decision, the Task Force looked at its options and decided that the next step was to file in the United States Court of Appeals.  So in March of this year, our DC attorney filed in the appellate court in Washington DC against FERC and their ruling.  Our DC attorney feels we have a good case and that all of our findings over the course of the last few years will provide good evidence that the USFW science is flawed. And they feel that a Federal judge will have the authority to overturn FERC’s decision.

At this point, the process is in the filing status and it might be towards the latter part of the summer before oral arguments are held.  At this time, we are again looking for donations to help with our legal fees through our Keep the Lake Levels Fund.”  – John Koppelmann, Lake Level Task Force Chairman.

Thank you for working together with us, as always it is a joint effort.  Our lakes are a vital part of our community and we work hard at enhancing them and protecting all involved.  Please be safe this summer and enjoy!

In Greatest Regard,

Gabrielle Haygood, Executive Director

5th Annual Frenzy on Freeman!


The Greater Monticello Chamber of Commerce & White County Visitors Bureau and the SFLECC present the 5th Annual Frenzy on Freeman!

This year’s event will take place on Friday, June 7th, 2019 on the Madam Carroll boarding begins at 6 pm, cruising 7-10 pm.

Live Music by Ezra ~~~~ Catered by The Sportsman Inn

Tickets are $30/each and can be purchased online here


Koppelmann Real Estate 

Matt McKean for Mayor

MBAH, Heiny Insurance

R.W. Gross & Associates

Real Estate Network Hickman-Walts Team

S&H Marine Construction    

Sportsman Inn

Susan’s Freeman Bay

Tall Timbers Marina

Twin Lakes Enterprises

WMRS Radio Sunny 107.7

~Alliance Bank   ~American Heating, Cooling, & GEO Thermal   ~Cathy Gross for Mayor   ~Dye Lumber   ~Enjoy White County   ~Harmon Insurance

~Lighthouse Lodge   ~Logansport Memorial Hospital   ~Neon Cactus   ~Rabb Kinetico – Jack Faker   ~Rugie’s Dugout/Whiskey & Wine

~White Oak Health Campus

All proceeds benefit the SFLECC’s Keep the Lake Levels Fund & the Greater Monticello Chamber of Commerce
For more information contact the Chamber of Commerce at 574-583-7220 or

SFLECC Board of Directors Vacancy

A vacancy on the Board of Directors of Shafer and Freeman Lakes Environmental Conservation Corporation (SFLECC) has occurred.

Those interested in being considered to fill this position should send their current resume to the SFLECC’s Nominating Committee.  Resumes should be received by May 15th, 2019.

Resumes should be sent to: SFLECC, Attn: Nominating Committee, P.O. Box 372, Monticello, Indiana  47960

The SFLECC does have an attendance policy for board members and each member is asked to serve on a sub-committee.  Approximately 10 hours of volunteer work per month is expected.  All board members must be legal residents of the State of Indiana and members of the corporation.  Please contact the SFLECC at 574-583-9784 with any questions or concerns.

Lake Signs Would Aid Rescue Workers

The Twin Lakes are going to get a little safer for those who need an ambulance or rescue services while on the water. A group of about 30 people met at the Monticello Fire Dept and decided on an address plate that will go on docks or somewhere on property facing the water. The roughly 6″x24″ sign is white with red letters, the address number being 3″ high and the street name below it being 2″ high and can be purchased for around $20 at Radical Graphics in Monticello (574)870-8873. Purchasing and putting up a sign is voluntary but would definitely help in a variety of ways on Lakes Freeman & Shafer.

Keeping our Lakes Clean!

From L to R: Paul Martin, Owen Lovvorn, Daryl Johns, Ed Lucy, and Grant Martin

This past Saturday, the SFLECC Board of Directors and Staff cleaned up trash along the shorefront from below Norway Dam to Riverside.

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