
Overall dredging on Lake Freeman and Lake Shafer has removed over 1,000,000 cubic yards of sand and silt. This is equivalent to 100,000 single axle dump truck loads being removed from the lakes. Silt traps have been constructed on Lake Freeman and the tributaries leading into Lake Shafer. These traps are intended to catch sediments before they enter the lake itself.

Dredge Barge

Shorefront Construction Management

Over the years, the Board of Directors has implemented rules and regulations pertaining to the construction of various structures on over 100 miles of SFLECC shorefront property. The Land Manager ensures certain guidelines are met and rules are followed. If you would like more information on shorefront construction, go to the License and Construction Application tab on this website.

Clean Lakes Sticker Program & Cleanup Crew

The voluntary Environmental Clean Lakes sticker program generates around $10,000 annually through the participation of both local and non-local lake users and about 20 local businesses. The Cleanup Crew was set up to remove man-made debris and floating logs in heavily trafficked recreational areas for the safety of lake goers. By voluntarily purchasing Clean Lakes Stickers, you are helping to offset some of the Cleanup Crew expenses.

Fish Stocking

Over the past several years, the SFLECC has combined its efforts with those of other groups in the lakes community to stock fingerlings. In 2008, the SFLECC and the Lake Shafer Association stocked 3,300 walleye pike in Lake Shafer and 1,500 walleye pike in Lake Freeman. In 2009, 6,000 largemouth bass were introduced into Lake Freeman with the assistance of local bass fishermen. In the spring of 2019, the SFLECC stocked 4,000 largemouth bass, half in Freeman and half in Shafer, with the help of a $1,000 grant from the White County Community Foundation. Thanks to a $40,000 grant from NIPSCO,  we stocked 4,000 largemouth bass in both lakes in 2022; another 6,000 largemouth bass in both lakes in 2024, and 5,400 more largemouth bass in both lakes in 2025. The type of fish and amount stocked is based on recommendations from Indiana DNR Fisheries Biologists and availability at local fisheries.

Adopt-A-River Program

The SFLECC is a member of IDNR’s Adopt-A-River Program. At the beginning of the season, volunteers remove man-made debris beginning at the Norway Bridge and work downstream to Riverside Restaurant, both banks.


Fish Habitat

On Lake Freeman, Fish Pod Attractors have been installed to provide habitat for spawning and for protection from predators. With the help of the Lake Shafer Association, Fish Habitats have been built and placed in various areas of Lake Shafer as well.

Fish Pod

Osprey Platforms

Four Osprey nesting platforms, two on Lake Freeman and two on Lake Shafer, have been built. After a pair of Bald Eagles created a nest on Ski Island (Lake Freeman) many years ago, it is hoped that Osprey, fish-eating eagles, will also find our environment attractive for nesting.

Over 21,000 volunteer hours have been logged

with the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Earth Team.

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